Happy Smiling background music Successfully complete Eta-5 in Uranoid.
Level select Hold Start + A + B at the starting screen. Release the buttons when the desired level number appears.
Uranoid Mode Complete all levels to save all your friends and Uranoid mode will be available when you return to the main menu.
Operon Successfully complete Zone W in Quest mode.
Continue game Hold A + B while pressing Select(5) at the title screen after a game over. Press Start to resume the game at beginning of the last played level.
Neith Successfully complete Zone Z' in Quest mode.
Captain Neo background music Successfully complete Theta-5 in Uranoid.
Uranoid mini-game (JP) Press R, Left, Right, L, Right, R at the title screen.
Artemis Successfully complete Zone V' in Quest mode.
Rhea Successfully complete Zone V in Quest mode. |